V návaznosti na katastrofu, kterou v minulých dnech postihlo Turecko, vyjádřil předseda Svazu zápasu ČR Robert Mazouch podporu tureckému svazu zápasu.
Dear Wrestling friends,
we read and heard this horrible message about earthquake in Türkiye and Syria.
We wanted to let you know that Czech Wrestling Federation is with you and all your people!!!
We also heard about situation in Kahramanmaras city and wrestling municipality. We hope all wrestler are alive and healthy.
With deep sadness and biggest respect!
Robert Mazouch
President of Czech Wrestling Federation
Dear Friends,
It is really tough time to overcome. In the name of Turkish Wrestling Federation and the wrestling community, We thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Moreover, we are thankful to those who have sent their search and rescue teams to Türkiye for this.
Best Regards,
Türkiye Güreş Federasyonu
Turkish Wrestling Federation
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